Murder in Paradise
Friday, January 20th at 4PM
3007 Charlotte St. Newbury Park, CA 91320
(please try to arrive by 6:30PM if you plan to play)
What to Do Before the Party 1. Download and read the two guides. This will take about 10 minutes. 2. Check your email for a Character Profile. Read the attached document before the party, but do not discuss with any other players. If you haven't received an email, please text Mayur at 805-914-4095 to get your character assignment.
The murder mystery game is titled "Lei'd to Rest" and can be played by up to 22 players. You do not have to play to attend, but dressing up like you're going to a Hawaiian luau is encouraged. Use your brief character description to add some flair to your costume. Once the game starts, you will assume your character and get as creative as you like. The game will last 3-4 hours. Bringing drinks or finger foods is appreciated but not required. Agenda: 4:00PM to 6:30PM: Cocktail hours 6:30PM: Game starts (food will be served during the game) 10:30PM: Dessert and end of game revelations 11:00PM: Afterparty