Annatto: Religious zealot
Brad Bates: Local dance instructor
Rory Beard: Local surfer
Elsie Brighton: One half of a pair of newlyweds. Midwestern and naïve
Ned Brighton: Elsie Brighton’s sickly other half
Sarafina Chavez: An aspiring actress willing to do anything to get attention
Anson Hardasty: Wealthy elderly businessman
Heather Harris: Secretary to Earl Peace
Max Hartnett: Anson’s Hardasty’s best lawyer
Cassidy Hayes: Stateside florist
Keoni: Tour guide and traditional Hawaiian entertainer, with aspirations
Dr. Penny Kingsbury: Local doctor
Ren Matsuda: Out-of-work local
Mojo Mo: Hawaiian master cook and sometime witch doctor
Anna Nayuki: Local real estate agent
Lawrence Ost: Local botanist
Earl Peace: Private detective
Wilson Scott: Tourist and postal worker
Jack Slack: Local small-scale entrepreneur and all-around dubious character
Mel Squant: The perfect grandparent and tourist
Chelsea Whitaker: Famous local surfer
Noelle Wright: Stateside florist